Wednesday, July 13, 2011

it's All About the Bottom (er, in the chair, that is :-) + ROW 80

Or is it? Aren't we (yeppers, the Royal We. I'm Former - ok, 1987 former - Royalty and today I feel like Workin' It!) prone to saying 'get off your bottom and get to work!'?

We have achieved mighty accomplishments in the last 3 weeks with this bottom Solidly planted on the (well, yeah, hardly-well-to-be-honest-entirely-Unroyal) couch.  We have: repaired by hand-sewing our mighty heavy-cotton American flag in four places, in 3 sessions, On the couch (pa-Leeze don't tell me I was supposed to burn it when it got that bad - I LOVE this flag!). We have set a household schedule (that is actually getting a Lot more things done around here!) whilst sitting on the couch. And, We have finally cracked 10K words on the WIP, by virtue of parking the bottom and pecking the keys. WHEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!! (giggling in relief as the ridiculous Royal We is summarily defenestrated.)

Right. That's out of the way. Ahem.

Monday: was glued to couch making overdue phone calls, doing paperwork, menu planning, and making appointments. That was in between cleaning spurts and momming. Very little fun was had (by the kids) with me that day, but the rest of the week is consequently Better. Housework was the only exercise - I Think i did some.....Found my camera - a high-priority item for the A.M. workshop! Think I blogged, but  no WIP work. Principally because all that planning cleared the timeslots for Tuesday!

Tuesday: impromptu dentist visit for my daughter, cleaned like a banshee clears souls (but with less wailing) Worked on the WIP for 40+ minutes and cleared That hurdle, blogged about it, did the violin practice with my son and loaded a vid to facebook (he's getting good!) and made an awesome dinner if I Do say so myself (well, yeah, just did!).

Today - I have to drag my lazy ass to the dentist, so I must haul my son outta bed and put some clothes on the poor kid, water my plants, and scurry to the shower. (the excitement overwhelms.....) On that frantic note, I'm Outta here! (where Does the time go?.................:-)



  1. You got lots more than I did this week!!

  2. Only because you likely have a sensible schedule, instead of trying to pack EVERYTHING into 3 days!!!

    I found out last night my neighbor caught my plug for The Fury here (orchid room) and bought it. She is VERY excited to hear there is a prequel coming!!!! Another fan for Mrs. Lefeve :-)

  3. Yup, BIC is really the most important part. I haven't forced myself to adhere to that one most important rule, hence my terrible showing yesterday and today...go you! :)

  4. Well Cricket, for me, it doesn't always pay to peak early (except for Christmas it Sometimes pays to Peek early, and when one runs into a bitter frenimy it Definitely pays to Pique early, and Often!!)....anyway, before my previously unsuspected ADD kicked in - AHEM - I didn't write a danged thing yet today, so tonight requires BIC - today is just a mess :-) So, I'm thinking you will likely finish STRONG!!! Go, Cricket, GO!!!!
