Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Fleeting Moments, Betwixt Changes

Good Afternoon!

Only a few stolen moments here in the Orchid House....shockingly Still bereft of snow, and the weirdness is beginning to weigh. Shadows low this time of day are usually sketched across drifts of white, not expanses of tired (and frankly, confused looking!) dry grass. Practically speaking, this mild and flat-out unseasonable warmth has played hell with skating rinks, and, aesthetically, I need snow the way a toothache needs advil!

Today is a long day, my husband has a work-dinner and the kids and I are on our own. Humming around, knowing there are Rather many things to do, taking on some and letting others slip....the art muse showed up, so I've spent a bit too much time snapping photo's in the odd North light (click images for slideshow....). If we had snow, by the way, these might have been even sharper, a January day in Minnesota is typically, Painfully, bright!

Here, an early start on Forget-me-nots....

These were planted seven days ago, we are intrigued to see how far they get before the cats find them. They just whet the appetite for more green shots, just before lunch. Hello, Rosemary....

Certainly time to catch the vibe of today from a reliable witness -

Yup, moving in circles. Slowly too, without our usual doses of mania. Goodness, doesn't anyone dress this child?

More green musings, because, well, I can't abide all the brown outside....ivy and a bit of sunshine, too....

More than most would think, I truly appreciate the 'the stay at home' job. I get insights and experiences that can't be explained second hand - you just have to be in that moment. Not minute. Moment. Moments where there is no doubt of the miracle in front of you....

I am never going to stop hoping that my faith will grow.
I will likely never stop looking for the mystical in
the every-day. Some people will (quite reasonably)
remind you that the every-day is quite enough. Ordinary
reality has no need of spiritual meaning to be
special - our act of breathing is astonishing in and
of itself. But there are others who feel there is so
much more, just barely hanging beyond our everyday
sight and everyday reach. It compels us to step
forward, even when our feet are dog-tired. Today,
these pictures are my way of looking, I guess.

And, as quickly as these moments are found, savored, and touched,
the ordinary returns.

It can still be other. It can still evoke warmth and peace, maybe even a lingering grace. Maybe it will support more of those moments of wonder, before the second leaves unfurl.  Before the snow melts, before the child naps and wakes, significant hours older. 

I treasure the ordinary grace too. Some days, transcendence is the unlooked for healing. Some days, the unexpected gift. But the grace of the ordinary can be dropped into small hands, scented and warm, sustaining and sweet.

Come on. Doesn't that just scream 'pumpkin bread' to you?

Time to go, my friends. The rest of my quietly busy day awaits.

Yours, too.

Leave a comment, leave your voice

Share a link that warms you too.

I'll just hope the world will treat you well, today. That way, you have a little grace left over to share.

As always, thank you for coming by :-)


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